Bodhichitta Retreat, December 15-16, 2012

Bodhichitta (Great Compassion)

December 15-16, 2012
Saturday 9am to 5pm and Sunday 9am to noon
Chapman University, Orange, CA

This retreat will explore an in-depth understanding of Bodhichitta (Enlightened or Awakened Mind) as expounded by the great Indian Buddhist Panditas such as Nagarjuna and Shantideva.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has mentioned that if there is an “absolute” in Buddhism it is “compassion.” How does the Buddhist understanding of Compassion differ from our ordinary understanding of compassion? Why does the Buddhist tradition regard this virtue as indispensable?
This teaching will be based on “Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea” a short work of the contemporary Indian Buddhist sage Khunu Rinpoche. Sogyal Rinpoche said that “To hold in your hands Khunu Rinpoche’s own words on bodhicitta is to be given a priceless opportunity – of touching the heart of a master who had made it the guiding light of his entire life…whenever I think of Khunu Rinpoche, I always say to myself, this is what St. Francis of Assisi must have been like”.

The Text to be used is "Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea" by Khunu Rinpoche. In print and available at bookstores. At
The retreat will consist of commentary on this text, meditation sessions, question and answer sessions, and opening and closing prayers.
It will be held in a classroom setting. Chairs will be available. Bring your own cushion if you want to sit on the floor. There may be Khata offering at the end of the retreat.