Retreat at Chapman U. Sept 23-25, 2011

Sept 23-25, 2011   -   A very successful teaching visit by Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi to Chapman University.

(Carlos Rios - photographer)

"Joyful Living" 
Public Talk and Weekend Retreat in Southern California, September, 2011

Chapman University, Orange, California
Public Talk - Friday, Sept 23,  7pm to 9pm,  Beckman Hall room 104 (Pralle)
"A Contemplative Guide to Joyful Living"

Retreat - Saturday and Sunday, September 24 & 25,  Beckman Hall room 214 (Henley)
"The Perfections of Meditation and Joyful Effort"
(based on Shantideva's text 'The Way of the Bodhisattva')
Saturday, Sept. 24
9am - Registration
10am to 12 noon - Teaching
2pm to 3:30pm - Teaching/Meditation
4pm to 5pm - Teaching
Sunday, Sept. 25
"Introduction to Shamatha Meditation" (Calm abiding instruction)
9am to 12 noon - Teaching with 15-20 min. break in middle
The retreat will include Dharma talks and guided meditation periods. You are encouraged to bring a meditation cushion if you like. The room will have classroom style chairs.
Khatas will be offered at the end on Sunday. Bring your own khata if you wish.


The text being used during the retreat will be "The Way of the Bodhisattva" (Bodhicharyavatara) by Shantideva.
This text is available in several translations. They can be found at bookstores and online such as amazon.
The recommended version is "The Way of the Bodhisattva" from the Padmakara translation group published by Shambala.
Also good is "A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life" translated by Vesna and Alan Wallace, published by Snow Lion.
Here is a pdf file of an earlier translation of the text by Stephan Batchelor published by the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.
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